On the value of impractical philosophy Apr 09, 2018

I think there’s quite a lot of value in impractical, disconnected-from-reality, argumentation.

Project idea: identifying influence and subgroup identity with TF/IDF Apr 01, 2018

I wonder if you can pick out what writing influences someone, and what subcultures they identify with, based on what terms and phrases they use.

Matrix: bridges, rooms, and clients Mar 26, 2018

matrix logo

I’ve spent the past week using Matrix, and here are my general impressions so far.

Matrix: distributed chat that talks to everything Mar 18, 2018

matrix logo

Matrix is the chat platform of the future.

What will replace email? Mar 04, 2018

What’s going to replace email?

Long predictions about remote work Feb 25, 2018

I was discussing remote work with a friend a couple of months back and ended up coming to a couple of interesting conclusions about how remote work would cause societal change if it were to become mainstream. The discussion was motivated based on the idea of a completely distributed office with no centralized location. I thought these two ideas in particular were worth sharing.

Simple internet security improvements for the average person Feb 18, 2018

I’d like to present here a couple of simple internet security improvements that won’t slow you down too much and will improve your personal security posture dramatically.

Must see: the Furby Organ Feb 12, 2018

On today’s HackADay: the Furby Organ. This is technically impressive, and it’s highly rewarding when he starts playing music on it.

Values a programming team should have Feb 11, 2018

One of the things I think about regularly is how to properly manage a programming team.

My Linux desktop setup Feb 05, 2018

I run Arch Linux both at work & at home and I use a few utilities between them to make them reliable and myself productive. Here’s an overview of some of the choices I’ve made to make it that way.
